published papers

"Fragmentation and strategic market-making," with Sophie Moinas, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 58(4), June 2023, 1675 - 1700

"Standardization, transparency regime initiatives, and liquidity in the CDS market," with Andras Fulop,  Journal of Financial Markets, June 2022, Part A, 100718.

"Cold case file? Inventory risk, and information sharing during the pre-1997 NASDAQ preopening", (Substantial revision of "Do dealers share information about inventory risk? Evidence from pre-1997 NASDAQ".), European Financial Management, 2017, 23(4), 761-806.

Dark pools, high-frequency trading: a useful evolution?,” with Fany Declerck, (invited article, in French) Revue d’Economie Financière, 2015, 120, 113-125

"Transparency matters: price formation in presence of order preferencing," with Christian Y. Robert, Journal of Financial Markets 2011, 14, 227-258

"Extreme dependence of multivariate catastrophic losses," with Christian Y. Robert, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2006, 203‑225

"Information sharing, liquidity and transaction costs in floor-based trading systems," with Thierry Foucault, Revue Finance 2003, 24, 45‑78


“Quel rôle la finance doit-elle jouer pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique,” La Revue du Gestionnaire Public, 2023, n°2, 34-36.

“Microstructure des marchés.” In: Encyclopaedia Universalis (with S. Vandelanoite). Paris (France) : Encyclopaedia Universalis, 2014.

"A first look at the microstructure of CDS markets," with Andras Fulop, 2008 in Proceedings of the 1st International Financial Research Forum, edited by Monique Jeanblanc, Economica

"Les bourses face au défi de l'internalisation," Problèmes Economiques 2005, 2.888, 25-27